Week 5.
My thoughts of gratitude all week have been for this man, a prophet of God, who has lived an extraordinary life, fought the good fight, and returned home to his Heavenly Father and his sweet Marjorie. He always made me feel deeply loved and cared for, and always encouraged to try a little harder, to be a little better. His life and sacrifices teach me (by example) of my Heavenly Father and His love for me, and I feel closer to my God by watching this mortal man. He was, for me, a great and shining light in a world of darkness. How grateful I am for his words, his life, and his righteousness.
"Now, you dear, wonderful girls, I speak with a father’s love for you. I thank you that you have traveled so well so far. I plead with you to never let down, to establish a purpose and hold to the line and move forward undeterred by any opposing temptation or force that may cross your path.
I pray that your lives will not be wasted but that they may be fruitful of great and everlasting good. The years will pass, and I will not be here to see what you have done with your lives. But there will be many others, oh so many others, who will be counting on you, whose very peace and happiness will depend upon what you do. And above them all will be your Father in Heaven, who will ever love you as His daughter."