Week 7.
I didn't know how to find a picture for this blessing. On Sunday, I heard the best high council talk I have ever had the pleasure of listening to, and it has already proved to be one of the best blessings of my year. (I wanted to ask Brother Gardner if I could take his picture, but I thought that might be weird.) He spoke about Elder Oaks's talk from the last General Conference, "Good, Better, Best," and applied it an absolutely remarkable way, "opening" this talk for me in a very real and profoundly life-changing way. He told a story that I hope I never forget...relating an experience he had many years ago in Colorado when he was riding the bus (hence the picture). I don't know if I've ever heard a more powerful story. And I am grateful for his humility in sharing it, grateful that I was in my sacrament meeting on Sunday morning, and grateful for the deep and unlimited ways the gospel blesses me and my family.