Dawn with Adele

I'm going to pretend I didn't notice that most of you were more interested in seeing the apron I bought than the wedding cake I was making.  I'm not going to say that didn't hurt.  

But whatever.

For the record, the cakes were beautiful. 

Don't act so surprised.  (Is what I told David.)

My feet still hurt this morning and so I lay in bed in the blue dawn listening to Adele sing "Make You Feel My Love" rather than getting up.  Everyone visited me in turns. 

Olivia sighed and told me that she was on her last chapter in Green Gables, "A Bend in the Road," and we shed a few tears together at Matthew's passing.   

Caleb was already wearing his backpack when he came in and told me that he didn't sleep very well.  (Stress.)  He said he finally just got up and studied how to graph a line from an equation for a while. 

Ethan climbed in next to me and said that today they are reading The Sneetches and he doesn't know what a Sneetch is.  "What's a Sneetch, Mom?"

Savannah came in and recited her spelling words and told me this morning she could do her own hair.

David kissed me goodbye and told me that he would be fine getting his gallbladder lit up by radioactive isotopes on his own today.  He'd call me when it was over.

By now Adele was singing "Hometown Glory" and the house was quiet except for her.  If I had enough money I would have her come follow me around and sing the soundtrack of my life for a day.  I rethink my apron purchase again.

RIM cleared her throat.

Better get up, I said to myself.

RIM quietly reminded me of my dirty floors and the load of laundry wrinkling in the dryer.

But I lay there watching the room turn yellow and thought about Sneetches and how to spell "pursuit" and how long it's been since I've solved any kind of equation and where radioactive isotopes go once the doctors are done looking at them and bends in the road.

The wonders of my world.