Is That Better?

Pain in the neck:

Well, it seemed like quite a few people were having to scroll over to see my whole blog, so I spent another day in front of my computer cursing squarespace for messing with my life, and tried a new format.  David was so personally happy about the banner change he actually called me from work (a rare occurrence under any circumstance) to express his glee.  I told him I did it just to make him happy.  No, not really.

Pain in my head:

I have had a standing headache for a good three or four weeks.  But it has gotten ridiculous since the Olympics started.  I think this means I need more sleep, but here we are at 10:55 watching men's beach volleyball, and they still have to play one more set.  I think the whole country is going to be in bed by 8 on Sunday night.

Pain as a part of childhood:

Ethan had to get his five-year shots today, and was shocked and hurt that I put him through that.  He ended up with seven bandaids by the time he got all five shots, his finger prick, and a TB test.  Cruel and unusual by anyone's standards, and just brutal for both of us.  He was heartbroken that I "would let them do that to him" (his words) and no matter how "good" it is for him, it is still hard to hold your child tight in your arms and watch the tears roll.  His smile returned after we stopped at Jamba Juice on the way home.  Thankfully, it was not so bad that an "orange dream machine" couldn't make everything better.