SPW: What Was I Thinking?

If you are a regular reader of this blog, you already know that my mental powers seem to be sadly failing.

To the point that I rarely ever know "what I'm thinking" at all, and enough to make me consider (however briefly) getting a pocket organizer.

This past weekend I found something even better.



Yes, really.

I have wanted to try yoga forever, but it's so hip and trendy and I am so NOT, that I always felt dumb going to a class.

Plus, I inherited some tight hamstrings.  Very tight.

But on Saturday David said he'd go with me to the yoga class at the resort we were staying at.  Somehow his willingness gave me the courage to walk in there and take off my shoes.

And it was fabulous.

I felt so relaxed, so focused, so calm.  And all of these feelings were so different.

So I'm a believer.

I'm going to Target and I'm going to walk straight past the home office section, past the various weekly and monthly planners in all kinds of colors and styles, and straight back to the exercise section.  There's a yoga mat with my name on it.

I know, I know.  What am I thinking?  RIM is seriously freaking out at this strange turn of events.