eschew /vt./ avoid and stay away from deliberately; to avoid or shun. abstain. forego. renounce. evade. refrain. duck.
eschew /vt./ 1. I eschewed most of my housework this past week in favor of finishing East of Eden. After about 200 pages I just couldn't leave it alone. It was an absolute masterpiece. Brilliant. And, I hope, life-changing.
eschew /vt./ 2. After my most delightful experience in East of Eden this week and Anna Karenina last month, I am seriously considering eschewing (for a little while) any books not considered " a classic." There is so much outstanding and remarkable literature out there that I have never read, and I find that these classics have a perspective on the human condition that is true, universal, and timeless. For me, they provide an impetus for I see myself in Anna, in Cal, in Liza, in Cain.
eschew /vt./ 3. Ethan and I managed to eschew the inside of our four walls, in favor of the outside with three glorious trips to the park this week. A blanket, lunch, and books. Heaven. At least for one more month.
eschew /vt./ 4. At David's prodding, we eschewed all our Saturday chores (yes, the weeds in my front yard continue to flourish) and headed north to find some snow. We spent the day at Wing Mountain sledding, and building snowmen, and getting sunburned. It was boiling hot and eventually we eschewed our winter gear and shucked our coats and hats. Ethan was a daredevil, and my bottom is complaining today that I am much to old for such fun, but we could not have had a better day.
Caleb and I even attempted an igloo...harder than it looks. (I realize I'm eschewing most of my self-respect and dignity by posting this photo.)
eschew /vt./ 5. I have an absolute hatred of and phobia towards public restrooms. I will do almost anything to eschew them. This is not easily done with small children. My phobia is so intense I have been known to send my children in alone...standing guard outside...because my terror is almost insurmountable. However I have learned a few tricks along the way to use only in extreme emergencies. On Saturday, while we were sledding at Wing Mountain Savannah needed to go. There are only porta-potties on the mountain and after Savannah took at look at them, she could not bring herself to use them. She was completely desperate. I taught her my tricks [much too absurd to share] and she conquered her fear. I had no idea these were the kind of skills I would pass on to my daughters, but there you are.
eschew /vt./ 6. I swallowed my pride this week, and renounced my dislike of ballroom dancing. (I have a no exception rule eschewing and banning any kind of dance show on our television. This has not changed.) But they are offering free dance lessons at the hospital (random and weird, I know) this month and David and I went and learned the waltz on Wednesday night with some of my young women. It was surprisingly fun (even though we were still counting "1-2-3" out loud at the end of the night) and made me tempted to come back for the fox trot this week.
I just need to be six inches taller...even four would make a difference, don't you think?