Word of the Week: Deluge

Okay, this may be dumb, but I thought I would do a variation on Lelly's self-portrait idea and share how the word of the week applies to my life...you can do the same, if you're so inclined.  Kind of a verbal self-portrait.  Here goes:


Deluge /n./ 1.  Yesterday it clouded up (big news here!) and tried its best to rain, but rather than the huge deluge I wanted...it just spit.  My disappointment was palpable and wrenching.

Deluge /vt./ 2.  My to-do list hit ginormous proportions this week and I was deluged by more obligations than I had hands or time or heart to take care of.  I am still waiting for the flood levels to recede.

Deluge /n./ 3.   Despite these things, the deluge of blessings that has filled my life and especially filled my heart is immeasurable.  On Monday night (right in the middle of some serious freaking stressing out) I was helping my kids practice a song they had to sing at a stake meeting on Thursday night.  Things had not gone right all day...and I was feeling a little put-out that heaven was not "clearing my path" to make sure things worked out for E of E on Wednesday.  As we sang the lines,

 "He is always near me, though I do not see him there 

And because he loves me dearly I am in his watchful care"

I had to swallow hard as I remembered how very true they are, and my heart swelled with thanksgiving at His constant grace and kindness towards me.  Thank heaven for these kinds of floods.