Okay, I hate this holiday. But here are my darlings in all their festive splendor...
Caleb as Albus Dumbledore...by the end of the night the itchy beard and wig and annoying glasses had all disappeared into his treat bag.
We searched all over for wizard robes (could only find Harry Potter) and no wizard hats (only witches). I told Caleb he would have to start his own trend.
He was a bit chagrined to find his jack-o-lantern looked like a "devil." I tried to tell him that it was only a pumpkin and not a subliminal statement about him or his soul.
Olivia as Dorothy...or as she kept calling herself "Dorothy Ann." Don't ask me why. I think she thought it sounded more charming. You can't see the ruby slippers, but they were there...she even made up a song to go with them entitled "There's No Place Like Home." I finally had to beg her to stop.
Her pumpkin is an Olivia original...I was concerned about the bow, but she insisted that it just wouldn't be the same without it. I confess, I must agree.
Savannah as a 50's girl...I wish the picture showed the cute poodle on her skirt. I thought it was appropriate given her love of all things French...including the poodle.
She found the jack-o-lantern idea online and she was pleased as punch at the final product. This is just so Savannah.
And of course, Ethan as Superman. For him, the most important part of any picture is the pose. He's always trying something new. Just smiling is never enough. It's usually a crazy face and a few gang signs...it looks like in this one he's going for the "I-told-you-this-scary-jack-o-lantern-is-awesome" pose.
He was a trooper--the kids had him all over the neighborhood--during trick-or-treating and he only had to lay down on the sidewalk to rest a couple of times. (Cue Five for Fighting: "It's not easy to be me." I hear you, buddy.)
Disco Dave and Emily and Harley joined us for trick-or-treating. Em and Harley stole the show, of course. Those two little angels were devilishly cute.
So happy to have all that behind us again...now just wrappers and mysterious goo smashed into my carpet to deal with. This truly is the devil's holiday.