Getting Our Balance

We are quickly adjusting to life in the Midwest, though our "clocks" are still off.  [Last night we started a movie with the kids (Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark) at 11:00!]  There seems to be no end to the things you can do in Michigan, particularly in the summertime.  Here are just a few...

1.  This morning (actually it was, by then, early afternoon...we are on a very relaxed schedule here) David and I went running in the woods by Stratford Lake.  Incredible tree canopies covered the whole trail and it was gorgeous.  And who ever heard of running at one in the afternoon?  Just absolutely stunning weather. 

2.  Caleb helped his grandpa plant some flowers and fix the sprinklers.

3.  The girls rearranged all of grandma's outdoor figurines...formed a club with them and made up a whole world for them to "live" and "go to school"  in.

4.  And then there was this...

I feel my heart expanding in a million directions, so full of joy to be here, where my children can really play and explore and lay on the grass and watch the snails travel the rocks in the garden.   

And may I just add to David, that, my love, it has been such a joy to be your wife these last 13 years.  4,745 days.  Happy Anniversary.  You are my heaven in this wilderness.

Word of the Week: Esuriently

esuriently  /adv. /  having a naked, uncontrolled hunger for.  with the desire to possess more of something than one already has or in normal circumstances might be entitled to.  hungrily, greedily.  graspingly.  avidly.  covetously.  voraciously.  even avariciously or rapaciously.

esuriently  /adv./  1.  For those of you who have been esuriently waiting for this post...the wait is finally over.  We are in full-summer mode around here and somehow the days are gone as soon as they've begun.  My blogging time has been suffering because, not only do I now have three more computer users around here, but I have found I actually need a bit of "alone time" to generate enough coherent thoughts to write something.  And obviously that is in short supply these days.  A happy trade-off though.


This was supposed to be my SPT for yesterday (and the week before)...Something Borrowed and Something Blue...better post it here or it may never get posted.  We "borrow" my parents' gorgeous pool almost every day from May to September.

esuriently  /adv./  2.  Usually by this time of year I am already esuriently wishing for winter, but the weather around here has been absolutely phenomenal.  On the last day of school, always traditionally an absolute scorcher, it was rainy and chilly and I snapped this picture in my car at about 5 in the afternoon.  Incredible.  I've never seen such glorious weather in May.


esuriently  /adv./  3.  I have been esuriently waiting for summer break since last September, but my longing became particularly fervent after Christmas.  The school year is wearing on me in so many ways and I live for the carefree days of summer vacation.  My kids were just as happy to be done and we have been happily doing "whatever we want" for the last few days.  This has included hours and hours in my parents' pool, and we even got David to join us for the day on Monday.


esuriently  /adv./  4.  David has spent most of his career esuriently wishing he was older.  He's always telling me how he is the youngest one on the team, and somehow this translates into how much respect he receives and how much capital his projects get.  This last week he got just a part of that wish, when he turned one year older.  We went to dinner and a movie to celebrate (I, for one, am deliriously glad that he was born) and he got a much-coveted "Blackberry" for his 36th year.  The only downside of this particular gift is that he will soon be completely connected to the hospital 24/7.  I hope that this doesn't turn into a gift that I esuriently wish I hadn't given him. 


esuriently  /adv./  5.  Caleb is a brilliant student and somehow managed to take 10 classes this year, including three new classes in Mandarin, Spanish, and Suzuki.  He reads and studies esuriently, and this has really paid off for him.  He was invited to the end-of-the-year academic awards ceremony where he received the Presidential award for straight A's the entire year, and was also awarded "Student of the Year" by his Suzuki teacher.  He was beaming with pride, but (I secretly think) he was also esuriently hoping that there were even more awards to be won.  I have no doubt that he has his eye on the "Outstanding Student of the Year" for next year.  Maybe even more remarkably, I didn't have to ask him about his homework all year...he is completely self-motivated, self-sufficient, and self-assured.  It is so easy to be his mother.


esuriently  /adv./  6.  I have a couple of videos I wanted to add to this post, but no matter how esuriently I stare at the Google video upload bar, it remains on "Processing."  So it may be a bit.  And my children are wanting lunch, so I will have to add them later.  Blogging is an entirely different endeavor in the summertime.

Word of the Week: Gainsay

gainsay  /vt. /  to deny, dispute, or contradict.  to speak or act against, oppose.  to refuse to admit the truth, reality, value, or worth of.  controvert.  disaffirm.  negate.  oppugn. 

gainsay  /vt./  1.    Summer has arrived in our part of the world.  Just like that.  Our winter has been long and glorious.  In fact we still haven't hit 100 and we're in the latter part of May.  Unbelievable.  But then today it's supposed to shoot up to 110.  I made Caleb go change into shorts when I saw him this morning.  No one can gainsay the fact that summer is really here with these kind of temperatures.


gainsay  /vt./  2.  For years and years, David has gainsayed my contention that he works a lot of hours.  But this last week was particularly bad, and promises to be so again this week.  The hospital is rolling out a new "paperless clinical documentation" (he made me say that) and this has meant even working overnight.  In addition to this it was also "Hospital Week" (Woohoo! I hope you all celebrated) and this meant visiting all the shifts to serve dinner and treats.  He even dressed up Hawaiian-style (wish I had the pictures) to spread house-wide hospital cheer.  Not even he can gainsay the fact that he spent very few hours simultaneously at home and awake last week.

gainsay  /vt./  3.  My Aunt Margaret sent my girls a surprise package this week: new outfits for their American Girl dolls that she had designed and made herself.  Their shrieks of glee were followed by awe at Margaret's sewing skill.  They would heartily gainsay anyone as being as talented and clever as their great-aunt, who was quickly promoted to grandma status ("one of our Grandma's") and their dolls have worn nothing but the darling clothes she sent since the package arrived.

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gainsay  /vt./  4.  Savannah's eye tooth started getting loose this week.  She has been begging me to take it out since Thursday.  I told her it wasn't ready yet, but she would not be gainsayed.  Yesterday she worked at loosening it and at bedtime implored me again to try and take it out.  It came out and she was thrilled.  She giddily exclaimed that she has now lost 10 teeth, the most in her 1st grade class.  Aha!  The ulterior motive revealed.  School ends in four days and she has been "tied" with another boy in class for "most teeth lost."  She just pulled into the lead.

gainsay  /vt./  5.  Olivia has been coughing for weeks now, but towards the end of this last week she was getting particularly bad.  I had gainsayed the need to go to the doctor because it was "just a cough" (surely viral) and assured her that eventually "it will clear up on its own."  As I was doing her hair on Friday morning she kept getting paler and paler until she looked positively faint and told me she was going to be sick.  She slept for an hour or so and then begged to go to school.  The same thing happened this morning, so after a weekend of serious coughing and another "vagal episode" this morning, we went to the pediatrician.  He jokingly told me that maybe I should stop doing her hair, and then told me that she had two really bad ear infections and pneumonia.  What?  Oh, good heavens.  That mother-of-the-year award is mine for sure. 


gainsay  /vt./  6.  This week we had our Laurel Transition Dinner for my five young women who are graduating and moving on to Relief Society.  There is no gainsaying how very much I love these girls, what a powerful force for good they are, and what a blessing it has been to serve them.   In the past I have been really bad at documenting my quilts...first of all they are really hard to take a picture of without a proper studio and usually I'm in such a rush to finish that I don't have time to snap a picture.  But I did manage to take a couple this year, so for the my record:   

IMG_1458.jpg IMG_1462.jpg

gainsay  /vt./  7.  For me, the pleasures of motherhood are really very simple.  Ethan and I took advantage of a rare empty "to-do" list on Thursday and met my sister and her kids at my parents' pool for lunch and a swim.  After Ethan's swim, I wrapped him in a towel and pulled him onto my lap.  I cannot gainsay the absolute joy of holding his trembling, shivery body, towelled and damp against mine.  Our days alone are numbered.  My days of being able to hold him like this at all are dwindling rapidly.  And this thought makes my heart beat hard and fast, because it's swamped and drowning and gulping for air.


Word of the Week: Sacrosanct

sacrosanct  /adj. /  very sacred, holy, or inviolable.  not to be entered or trespassed upon.  above or beyond criticism, change, or interference.  blessed.  hallowed.

sacrosanct  /adj./  1.  I wanted to blog yesterday.  I really did.  So much to say, so much to remember, plus a word-of-the-week catch-up.  But my sacrosanct blogging time has become much less so in the last few weeks and yesterday I was doing this:


Digging out from a week of household neglect.

sacrosanct  /adj./  2.   I spent from Wednesday night to Friday night at BYU attending Women's Conference with Tiffany, Kelly and Barb.  I almost didn't go, but the money we had spent on two plane tickets (more on that later) somehow made the trip sacrosanct, and I boarded the plane early Wednesday evening, and met up with my friends at Helaman Halls late Wednesday night.  Can I say how very much I love it that my friends do not change?  Those sacrosanct bonds are still there after all these years, all these miles, all these lifetimes of experiences.  I overheard Kelly talking to another lady about who she was here with, "That's my sister-in-law, and that's one of my best friends."  My heart just about burst.


sacrosanct  /adj./  3.  I love BYU and the memories of my happy, sacrosanct days there are precious to me.  My memories, however did not seem to help us get around campus.  Barb kept reminding us that she was following us because we had spent four years of our lives there, but there were so many changes that I found myself confused more than once.  Kelly and Tiffany and I blamed it on the fact that we had spent very little time on the "athletic side" of campus, but even the bookstore was confusing..."Wow, look at all these books.  I don't remember the bookstore having books before." 


I don't know why this moment was so funny...I was trying to get a self-portrait with "the Y" in the background and hilarity ensued.

sacrosanct  /adj./  4.  We spent Thursday running around campus trying to hit classes and then spent Friday worn-out sitting in the Marriot Center for the day.  I felt filled up in so many ways.  Recharged and ready to do my job again, and do it with more purpose and more love.  I was grateful for the spirit that I felt and the assurances I received from The Spirit that my work as a wife and mother is important, sacrosanct, and possible.  One of my favorite parts was at a scripture reading class when one of the sisters mentioned that her daughter had said, "I want so much for the things I do to be meaningful."  I can so relate to that feeling.  After the conference I feel more equipped to do the meaningful things and to recognize the influence I have.  After I reported to David all that I felt and experienced he remarked, "We need to send you there every year."  Indeed.


sacrosanct  /adj./  5.  I believe in youth conference.  To me, it is one of the best days of the whole year and an absolutely sacrosanct experience in the lives of my young women.   This year was no different.   We took our youth up to the Mogollon Rim and made a 30-mile bike ride to Camp Verde.  There were definitely some hard climbs and a few really nice downhills too (a bit like life), which all worked together to create an incredible, testimony-building experience with our youth.  As I drove home, the tears just streamed down my cheeks, so grateful for the chance to be a part of such an amazing experience, so grateful for the gospel of Jesus Christ in my life.  We were watched over and protected and I felt so blessed to be there.


I look a little too happy at 5:30 in the morning.  What in the world?  I love youth conference.  My talented and ever-helpful sister, Rachel designed our cute t-shirts.  Aren't they fabulous?

sacrosanct  /adj./  6.  After being quite the absentee wife this last week, I am so grateful for the sacrosanct way that David loves and supports me.  I had to get two plane tickets to Women's Conference because of our youth conference and he didn't even roll his eyes.  I came into town about 10 o'clock on Friday night and he ran for ice and coolers and the hamburger buns that I had forgotten.  This was after his afternoon run to Costco for all the perishables.  And before climbing into bed just past 1 a.m.,  he helped me do a quick Powerpoint presentation for the next day's conference.  He is a wonder.  Mostly because he not only just puts up with me, but constantly and completely supports me in my madness. 

Word of the Week: Assiduously

assiduously  /adv. /  constant in application or attention, completely.  comprehensively, from A to Z, from top to bottom.  fully.  in and out.  thoroughly, through and through.  backwards and forwards.  whole hog.

assiduously  /adv./  1.  My efforts to assiduously document and record my life, my thoughts and my feelings on this blog, have definitely been stymied this week by the demands of my ACTUAL life.  I noticed that I posted 22 times in March (not counting my blessing log) and only twice so far in April.  The truth is that from now until mid-June my life is not my own and my lists are longer than my days.

assiduously  /adv./  2.  I really tried this year to assiduously use the orange crop from the "mini-orchard" in our yard.  Despite my efforts to eat and drink and give away my citrusy trees were still full.  Yesterday the "professional" orange pickers cleaned us out and left my trees nothing but green.  It leaves me with that same feeling as when I take the Christmas decorations down...a bit forlorn and a bit relieved all at the same time.

assiduously  /adv./  3.  This past week was testing week for my kids.  Caleb and Olivia both had AIMS tests all week and this created quite a bit of anxiety especially for Olivia.  Caleb was a bit worried until the  first day when he figured out that the tests were going to be very easy.  Olivia, however, assiduously maintained her nervousness throughout the week and even when David congratulated her on "it being over" she said, "Well, now I'm nervous about my scores."  I was in charge of making sure we all ate hot, healthy breakfasts with plenty of protein and "brain foods," which I assiduously performed, surprising even myself. 


assiduously  /adv./  4.  David gave me a "night away" for my birthday and so my sister, Emily, came and played all-around-wonder-aunt to my kids on Friday night.  On Saturday morning she took the kids down to the church building for our ward's "Pancake Games," which eventually dissolved into a pancake food fight, but also involved all kinds of pancake competition, including hanging from the "pancake gallows."  Ethan (who doesn't like to lose at anything) assiduously hung on for dear life, but in the end was bested by a three-year-old little girl.  Much to his consternation.  This disappointment has not prevented him from proudly wearing his pancake medal (think an actual schellacked pancake) around his neck full-time since then.


assiduously  /adv./  5.  Since Easter, my girls have devoted themselves assiduously to all things "craft."  This week they took up knitting on round looms.  Olivia is making a hat for a woman in our ward who has cancer and Savannah took the small loom and made a hat for her American Girl doll.  She was nothing but absolutely delighted with the result.  The girls informed me that they are going to knit all summer long, to which Caleb remarked, "That's just what people need.  Hats and scarves for summer."  Olivia superciliously replied that they were "stocking up for winter." 


assiduously  /adv./  6.  After being "at the breaking point" for some time, David and I assiduously applied ourselves to R&R this past weekend.  We spent a night and day at the Sanctuary resort in Paradise Valley (aptly named, by the way).  The resort was spectacular and the get-away was wonderful, even if it was only 28 hours long, not that I was counting.  This is my idea of the perfect birthday present.  Alone time with my one-and-only.  Just what I needed.



I know David will want me to post these pictures of our incredible room(s).  This is for you babe.

Word of the Week: Noodge

noodge  /vt. /  to keep urging, asking in an annoying way.  nag.  to annoy persistently, pester.  agitate.  beleaguer.  disturb.  harass.  plague.  bother.  henpeck.  bedevil.

noodge  /vt./  1.  My to-do's noodged me all week, dogging me night and day with thoughts of "Oh, I need to remember...", until I finally relented and actually wrote them down.  This proved to be a fantastic idea (making me significantly more efficient) until Friday afternoon when I misplaced my list.  An unfortunate turn of events, and yet, I muddled through with only a few moments of complete stupor.

noodge  /vt./  2.  Ethan complained all week that his ears hurt when he swallowed.  After days of noodging me to "go see Dr. James" I called the pediatrician and we showed up just before lunch on Thursday morning.  We waited to see him for about an hour and when we finally did, Ethan got a clean bill of health.  No ear infection.  No strep throat.  Somehow this didn't make me happy.  Dr. James suggested that Ethan stop swallowing (since that's the only time his ears hurt) to which Ethan replied, "When I don't swallow my tummy hurts."  Ethan, of course, giggled through the entire exam and Dr. James noted that he must be feeling "really bad" to be this cheerful, and I grudgingly played the part of the insane mother.  By the by, Ethan's ears are still noodging him when he swallows.  Grrr.


noodge  /vt./  3.  This week was the Pine Wood Derby.  My personal idea of the 7th circle of hell.  I noodged David all week to help Caleb with his car.  The weigh-in was Thursday night anytime from 7 til 9, (you had to have your car ready and weighed in by then to compete on Saturday).  My boys showed up with their car at ten minutes to 9.  Sounds about right.  Caleb won 4 out of 6 of his races, a decent showing for a boy whose dad does not own a saw of any kind.

(Here is one of his wins...his car is in the far lane...)

noodge  /vt./  4.   Friday night David and Olivia had date night.  Olivia's Achievement Days class had a daddy-daughter bowling and pizza night and, as you can imagine, she was in 7th heaven.  The event started at 5:30, but Olivia was so worried they would miss even one single moment of fun, she started her campaign early, calling David every five minutes starting at 4:30 and noodging him home. 


noodge  /vt./  5.  David's colorectal screening event went about like you'd expect.  Apparently it takes more noodging than a postcard (he sent 1200 out to the community) to get people to come in and get their colons screened.  David said, "It's a free service.  You'd think people would want a free test."  Um.  No.  People don't want their colons screened even for free.  Surprising.  Seriously though, despite a few technical problems, he was happy to say that the were able to give out 150 tests and maybe most importantly, David decided it was time to get his own examined.  I was happy to hear that my last 6 months of not-so-gentle noodging is finally going to pay off.


noodge  /vt./  6.  My list was long this week and so this spilled over a bit into David's life as well.  The yard was especially atrocious by Friday afternoon and we had about 40 people coming for dinner on Saturday afternoon, with no time or way to do anything about it.  I felt like I had noodged David all week about so many other things that I calmly accepted the state of my yard "as is" and prepared to just serve such good food that no one would care about the state of my weeds.  And then.  A friend in my ward quietly and secretly mowed my lawn and pulled my weeds while David and I were sleeping early Saturday morning.  When I discovered her, she simply shrugged and explained that no matter how much she noodged, I would never let her help me, so she just decided to do something without asking.  An angel with a lawn mower.

noodge  /vt./  7.  No matter how I try to resist it, the milestones in my darlings' lives noodge me to realize that time is passing and my babies are not actually babies anymore.  Savannah had her baptism preview tonight.  When they handed me the invitation I thought, "I don't have an eight-year-old."  And had to turn it over to see Savannah's name on it before I connected the dots.  This is a "noodging" I would prefer to avoid all-together.  Another accountable child.  It's a bit hard to swallow past the lump in my throat.


My tender feelings about Savannah reminded me of a poem I love.  Says it perfectly...

Sentimental Moment or Why Did the Baguette Cross the Road?

by Robert Hershon


Don't fill up on bread
I say absent-mindedly
The servings here are huge

My son, whose hair may be
receding a bit, says
Did you really just
say that to me?

What he doesn't know
is that when we're walking
together, when we get
to the curb
I sometimes start to reach
for his hand

Fitting in Colorectal Screening Events

This morning David and I were rehearsing all that we have going on this Saturday...the pine-wood derby (enough all by itself), the YW General Broadcast and dinner for 45 at our house, plus maybe actually mowing the lawn since we're having visitors next week...when David mentioned that he has a big colorectal cancer screening event at the hospital that he has to speak at, etc. on Saturday morning.

[He wants me to mention that if anyone wants a free screening you are welcome to come down to the hospital between 9 and 11.   Oh boy.]

I want off this merry-go-round.

Or maybe just another 24 hours in my Saturday.  But happily, all this talk about our crazy schedule reminded me of one of my favorite bits by Brian Regan.   None of you really have time to watch this, but it certainly made me feel better.

Word of the Week: Tractable

tractable /adj. /  easily managed or controlled, docile.  yielding.  easily worked, shaped, or otherwise handled, malleable.  amenable.  willing.  compliant.

tractable  /adj./  1.  This week my sister, Rachel, proved to be extremely tractable when I proposed starting up some morning exercise.  For whatever reason I exercise more consistently (who am I is the ONLY time I exercise) when I have to meet someone.  Apparently I have a hard time letting someone else down, but no problem letting myself down.  (Sounds about right.)  We're starting with just walking...she just had a baby and I am just so frighteningly out-of-shape that anything more would be dangerous.  I loved watching the sun come up and visiting with Rach as we rounded the track together. 

tractable  /adj./  2.  On Tuesday morning I took Caleb to the bus stop as usual, but he was wheezing so loudly, I could hear him breathing over the radio.   I suggested that I take him home and then to the doctor and I was shocked to hear his tractable agreement.  He doesn't like to miss school for anything, but he was so tight-chested and miserable he readily agreed.  After a trip to the doctor, who expressed dismay over his "soupy chest" and tractably gave us three prescriptions,  Caleb spent the rest of the day like this:


Ethan was thrilled to have a friend join him in a Star Wars marathon.

tractable  /adj./  3.  I got a surprise visit from my cousin Jennifer and her kids on Wednesday afternoon.  My kids had "early release" and all the kids were begging for some entertainment.  We ended up going to the movie, which as it turns out, is a very fun thing to do in the middle of the afternoon in the middle of the week.  I loved having an excuse to "play" and even though neither of us wanted to see "College Road Trip" we ended up being very tractable, since that was the movie all the kids were begging for.  (Please note: I only recommend this "film" if you are trying to please 9 darlings and get completely out-voted.)


tractable  /adj./  4.  David lost his glasses last fall and has been completely reliant on his contacts since then.  This week his eyes were driving him crazy and by the end of the week he finally resolved to get a new pair of glasses.  On Friday night we skipped our usual "date" and went to get him fixed up...he could hardly stand it another minute.  He was cheerfully tractable as I made him try on pair after pair, but not quite as tractable when I tried to take a picture tonight of the pair he ended up with.  Here's his end of the conversation:


"Okay, but just my face."

"I have a good angle.  What's my good angle?"

"I said 'JUST MY FACE.'"

"This is not fair."


Bless his ever-tractable nature.

tractable  /adj./  5.  The Quilt Retreat countdown has begun and so tonight I enlisted my girls' help in making pincushions.  They are tractable to any activity involving fabric and had lots of fun stuffing these little fabric balls I made.  Happily, this proved to be the perfect task for their tractable little fingers.


Word of the Week: Maelstrom

maelstrom  /n. /  a large, powerful, or violent whirlpool.  a restless, disordered, tumultuous state of affairs.  a violent or turbulent situation.  bedlam.  turmoil or chaos.  pandemonium.  fuss.  flap.

maelstrom  /n./  1.  I've had it with this word.  Plagued by maelstroms all week, I am ready for a new word.

maelstrom  /n./  2.  Most of my week was spent inside an internal maelstrom of my own making.  (Incidentally, they are almost always of my own making.  Why is that?)  I was in complete turmoil thinking and planning for my class at our Relief Society Mini-conference.  Doubting and fussing for days and days.  And truthfully, it did not go quite as I planned and then I fussed about that disaster for the rest of Saturday.  The previous session had run over and so they told me they were going to cut my class by ten minutes and hoped that wouldn't mess me up.  I was too flustered and nervous to regroup and rearrange what I was going to say right on the spot and so I thought it ended rather lamely.  But, the maelstrom has passed, leaving only a bit of regret in its wake, and, after two months of thinking about it, the talk is thankfully out of my head.  That is something, I suppose.


Against my better judgement, I have included this picture for those of you curious about the dress and the hair color. 

I added the ribbon "for extra beauty," as my Olivia would say.  As you can see, RIM won the jewelry argument. 

A pity, really.

maelstrom  /n./  3.  I was such a maelstrom of emotion when it was all over I told my husband, "I either need to go running, go on a bike ride, have sex, or have a good cry."  As none of these seemed related to each other in any way, he just looked at me in wonderment.  I really don't know how he survives my maelstroms.  It's been a good year since I've done any running so that was sure to end badly.  And truth be told I think David was a bit nervous, given my state, about the emotional landmines of option three.  So in the end, we went on a bike ride, but I quit halfway through and asked to go home, where I had a good cry.   Did you know the word "maelstrom" comes from an actual, famous, swirling, tidal current off the west coast of Norway, hazardous to safe navigation?  That was me exactly:  hazardous to safe navigation.  Poor man. 


maelstrom  /n./  4.  I took my kids to the dentist on Thursday morning.  There was a bit of a flap about missing school for the first hour, but eventually I commandeered them into the car and to the dentist.  The dental assistant came and got me when they were examining Ethan and asked, "Does he have a thumb habit?" 

I have never in my life seen him suck his thumb and so I said, "No." 

The dental assistant looked skeptically at me.  "He doesn't have a thumb habit?" 

Concerned about my future orthodontic bill, I said, "No.  Does he look like he has a thumb habit?" 

 She looked at me askance and didn't say anything.  Her eyebrows said, "Look, lady, I've seen a lot of these and you are not scoring any points by lying to me." 

I started hunting around my brain, thinking that maybe all this time I had been lying to myself.  Maybe he really does have a thumb habit and I have blissfully ignored it for four and a half years.  Could that be?  Casting around for something that could producing her skepticism, I said, "He has a blanket habit." 

By this time we had made it back to the examining room and she said, knowingly, to her friend, "He sucks on his blanket." 

Realizing my mistake, I said, "No he doesn't suck on his blanket.  He just carries it around." 

She looked at me like I was losing my mind.  What would that have to do with his mouth?

So then she turned to Ethan and said, "Do you suck your thumb?"  At which point he promptly stuck his thumb in his mouth and began sucking, showing her that, yes, he could actually suck his thumb.  She turned her supercilious eyes at me as if to say, "Well?  Now what are you going to say?"

My cheeks were on fire.  She thought I was lying and Ethan was doing his best to prove her right.  Fighting a maelstrom of embarrassment and consternation over this false accusation, I said, "I have never seen him do that.  He does not have a thumb habit.  He's just showing you that he can suck his thumb if you want him to.  Really." 

She just looked at me and finally said, "Uh huh."  But her eyebrows said, "Me thinks she doth protest too much." 



maelstrom  /n./  5.  I had two nieces born this week.  One to my sister, Rachel and the other to my brother, Jared.  Lora and Jane.  Darling names, darling girls.  Having two girls of my own, I know the kind of maelstroms my brother and sister are in for.  Savannah was in a complete fuss last night...sleep finally claimed her...and I smiled to myself a bit (after it was over) thinking of all that lay ahead of my siblings, and the charming, maddening maelstrom that is life with girls.  (See #3.)

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maelstrom  /n./  6.  I can't talk about this final maelstrom of my week "out loud" yet, but it is tumultuous indeed.  You'll have to take my word for it.  A change I can hardly bear to contemplate is in the works.  It has me quite distraught...I told David on Saturday, "This is sorrow of the acutest kind."  (You'll find this hard to believe, but I do tend to exaggerate my emotional life, particularly when I'm in the middle of the Jane Austen collection on Masterpiece Theatre.)  It truly is not as grave as I've made it sound, but hard for me nonetheless.  Like I said, I'm am very ready for a new word.

Inside My Well-Coifed Head

I have to speak tomorrow at our Stake Relief Society Mini-Conference.  I went to Target and bought a dress (I know, I know...this is why I'm the fashion laughingstock of my family, but seriously I needed laundry detergent anyway.)  I got my hair colored today (a must).  And I got my handout made.  Clearly, all the most important things are done. 

Oh, wait.  I do still need to figure out what the heck I'm going to say for forty minutes!

David rolled over this morning and asked, "So, are you ready for your spiel?"

My spiel?  My spiel?

Then he said, "Spiel.  That's a strange word.  Maybe that could be a word-of-the-week."

"Yes," I thought, prickling up, "That is a strange word to use for your WIFE'S TALK!  You act like I'm hawking magic fruit and vegetable juicers on QVC."  He got a reluctant, grumbly kiss on his way out the door.

This morning I overheard RIM and CIM  arguing.

CIM:  I need to go to Target and find some jewelry.

RIM:  No, you need to stay home and work on your talk.

CIM:  But I want to look fabulous. 

RIM:  You're not going to feel that way tomorrow when you stand up there with nothing to say.  That will not be pretty, no matter what you're wearing.

CIM:  Do you think I should get something red since the dress is black or is that too 1987?

RIM:  You bought your dress at Target.  It's a little late to be worried about what fashion statement you are making.

CIM:  (a little hurt) You know, I never feel better about myself after talking to you. 

RIM:  Tell me about it.