52 Blessings: Week 47

Week 47.

(I used this picture of me in my talk on Sunday night.)

My week started with a blessing, the greatest blessing of my week it turns out.  Last Sunday night, I had the opportunity to speak at Stake Standards Night to the youth in our stake.  And as hard as I find these speaking assignments, I love the opportunity to really feel the Spirit and take my plea for help to the Lord.  And plead I did.  On Sunday night as I stood to speak, I felt the hand of the Lord leading me along, the voice of the Lord whispering in my ear.  Somehow he knew what these youth needed.  It always humbles me to see his love for his children, and this experience was no different.  As I talked, they listened.  As I told stories, they laughed.  But really, they were simply responding to the spirit.  And it was amazing.  I always think, "Cast your bread upon the water and it comes back toasted and buttered."  It has never been otherwise for me.  I felt the gifts of heaven poured upon me and I was so grateful for the knowledge that He knows me, loves me, and always helps me.  And when we climbed in bed, and David pushed his nose into my neck and whispered, "It was so good, sweets,"  I felt pure joy.  Completely blessed by an outpouring of the spirit.  Despite my weakness.  Despite my wandering.  I felt directly blessed by heaven.