52 Blessings: Week 42

Week 42.  (Only 10 left.)

This is a simple one.  On Monday night, we had family home evening as usual.  It was David's turn to give the lesson.  He gave a sweet and simple lesson about our testimonies, about the five parts of a testimony, and used a glove and pictures to illustrate the five parts.  Then he bore his testimony to the children, one of the most powerful I've heard, and then had each of the children stand and bear their own testimonies, using the five priciples he taught us.  It was a sacred, reverent moment.  I was touched by Ethan's question mark at the end of each sentence, and Savannah's hesitancy, Olivia's earnest exactness, and Caleb's branching, growing faith.  Like watching a testimony grow right before my eyes.  I was so grateful for David's leadership and love.  (I would follow him anywhere.)  This simple, tender fifteen minutes in our family room, filled with the spirit, was the greatest blessing of my week.  It reminded me of why we are here, why we're together, and why it must be a wilderness.  There is no other way to gain a testimony.  And I was deeply grateful for this little view of eternity from my fallen family room.

As testimony fills my heart, it dulls the pain of days.

For one brief moment, heaven's view appears before my gaze.