52 Blessings: Week 7

Week 7.

For a girl who's a big fan of love, I'm not crazy about Valentine's day.  It seems a little forced to me.  And my hard heart doesn't like to be forced into anything.  But, this week I went visiting teaching and the sister we visited lost her husband in a plane crash about eight years ago.  She talked about how important it is to tell the people we love just that.  Express your love, especially on Valentine's day, she said.  I was grateful for the counsel.  I thought of it often during the week.  Really, I think David should know how I feel.  Every day the evidence is hanging in his closet, steaming on his table, running around his house.  My life's work should be evidence enough.  And yet, her words kept coming back to me:  I still need to say it.  And so I did.  I tried to tell him how much I love him.  I tried to show him what his love means to me.  This turned out to be the greatest blessing of my week.  Life and love are fragile.  This week, I tried to remember that.  And tried to be more careful with both.  I was so very thankful this week for David, for his constant friendship, fidelity, and forgiveness, and especially for the reminders I had of this, the most precious blessing of my life.