52 Blessings: Week 41

Week 41.

I met the man I love and married at BYU, and this week he took me back there for the homecoming game.  Well, actually he took all of us.  It's no longer just the two of us.  As we sat high up in the football stadium drinking hot chocolate and bundled in our blankets and beanies, I looked over at this man and counted his red cheeks and boyish grin as the greatest blessing of my week.  To say nothing of his blue, blue eyes.  (They have always been my undoing.)  It was an absolute joy to be in the very crisp fall air, snuggled together, cheering the Cougars to victory, and singing the old fight song every time we scored.  It was all his idea.  "Let's get away.  Wouldn't you like to see a football game?"  This game, in the perfect football weather, in a stadium where they start the game with prayer, in the mountains where my real life began, was an absolute blessing to my school-weary, schedule-heavy soul.  And I am so grateful to have been there, again.