As you may or may not know, (how could you not know??), my sister, Rachel, and I have a presentation about body image that we give a couple of times a month to LDS Relief Society and Young Women groups in Arizona.
Well, now we’re taking the show of the road.
If you live on the Wasatch front, this is a once-in-a-lifetime, limited-engagement, opportunity. We are going to be giving our presentation in Pleasant Grove on Wednesday, July 1st, and all of you that live around there are invited to come as well.
I know, lucky you!
(The truth is we’re desperately nervous and we’d love to have a full house that night, as well as a few familiar, friendly faces in the audience.)
We’d love to have you there and any girls in your lives that are 10 and older. Plus, you’ll have a really good time. (I mean, probably. I am almost as charming in person as I am on my blog. Especially if you're not married to me.)
Here is the info:
The ward is Grove Creek 8th Ward.
The address is 1176 N. 730 E. in Pleasant Grove, UT 84062
at 7 p.m.
I promise it will change your life. (I mean, probably.)