I checked my camera this morning for something to write about.
It was full of pictures I didn't take.
This is one of them.
Apparently David had the presence of mind to capture a few pictures of the kids in their Easter finery, while I was making lemon pie and telling the asparagus how nice it was to see him on my table again.
Early this morning our house alarm went off, when Ethan went outside to dump the sand out of his shoes. It was a rude and brutal awakening. (Ya, that's right. My kids were up before me. Add it to my list of shortcomings...which is ironically, not short.) I sat there stunned and confused, wondering where the weekend went.
Here are a few of the highlights.
Stood in line at the courthouse for the third time to apply for Olivia's passport. She was beginning to think they would never let her out of the country.
Returned our overdue library books. I like to think of myself as a philanthropic donor with all my library fines.
Went to Costco for ham and free samples of key lime cheesecake. Which we didn't buy, but are still dreaming about.
Colored eggs and fingertips.
Had a Saturday Easter egg hunt that dissolved into a water fight and ended with my nude children skinny dipping in my parent's pool. (Much to my mother's chagrin.) Never mind that the water temp was a frigid 56 degrees.
Made two lemon pies and three pitchers of fresh lemonade from lemons off my neighbor's tree.
Helped host a ward pancake breakfast and Easter-egg hunt in the rain.
And mopped up afterwards.
Spent three hours at the mall trying to find new dresses for the girls.
Only found one, and sent David out for the other one.
He was, of course, victorious.
Let my pride get in the way of being really happy or sincerely grateful about it though. (Who, me?)
Ate a brunch of fruit and BLT's on a blanket on the lawn. The sunshine was glorious.
Went to church and worshipped and prayed.
And wished that every Sunday could be just like this one.
Hosted Easter dinner on my fine china and ate every last spear of asparagus.
Finished with pie and the Amazing Race.
Washed and dried my china by hand. Almost as delicious as the pie.
Kissed my husband goodnight.
And just like that, we are back to Monday.
Which makes me feel like swearing or crying, but instead I proudly present my photo of the weekend: Savannah and her Mona Lisa smile.