I haven't written in a few days, and consequently, my brain doesn't rightly know where to begin.
So I'll just relay a conversation I heard yesterday between Ethan and his friend, Ashton. (For weeks we didn't know who Ashton was. His possible name became the topic of many dinner conversations. Eventually I tasked Savannah with the job of finding out who this little boy was. But then we still didn't know what his last name was or how to get a hold of him. Two days ago Ashton's big sister put a note in Ethan's pocket that said, "Ashton wants to play!" It included his whole name and phone number. I smiled to myself thinking that Ashton's family had had many of the exact same dinner conversations about just who this Ethan was. But Ashton's mom brilliantly figured out a way to get them together. I have no idea why this never occurred to me.)
Anyway...yesterday at my bar:
E: Do you know what's in that bowl?
A: Fruit.
E: Yeah, but what kind of fruit?
A: I don't know.
E: It's peaches. We eat lots of peaches.
(a pause)
E: Except not all the time. It's a peach holiday.
I grinned for a long time about that.