A few reasons I'm celebrating my life as a domestic goddess today:
1. These shoes. (Darling.)

2. This quilt. (Gorgeous.)

Do you remember our quilt retreat project from earlier this year...this is it. Finally finished and up on my wall. It's been in my "to do" sewing box since April. It only took me 4 hours to complete it...and that included an extra hour for unpicking. (I always like to add an hour of unpicking...and draw out the fun.) I wonder why it's just been sitting in my box all these months. Anyway last night (after my decorating consultant got home from work) I got it up on the wall. Can I say how happy I was to wake up to this beauty this morning?
3. This man. (Delicious.)

A few months ago David asked me if I wanted to be on a committee at the hospital to host a "Spring Tea" next May to raise funds for his cancer program. I said yes, even though I have no expertise whatsoever in "tea." ("The Spring Punch and Cookie Party" title just didn't work.) We had a meeting at the hospital this morning to prepare for it. One of the ladies there spoke so highly of David and the really (really!) good work he is doing at the hospital for the cancer patients, and all the wonderful programs and people he has put into place to bless the lives of families going through cancer. She told us how good and brilliant and compassion- ate he is. It was a good thing that David wasn't in the meeting because if he had been, I would have lept over the table and started making out with him. Which would have been embarrassing. For him.
4. These peaches. (Divine.)

I wait all year for these babies. My canning days are some of my favorite of the entire year and here they are again. I washed my aprons and my jars this morning in joyful anticipation. Not to mention the peaches and cream morning, noon, and night. And pie. Oh my. I'm going to the store for half-and-half, THE staple of September. (Though I may have gone a little overboard this year, [there are four boxes of these in my laundry room], and I am hoping that this doesn't become a post in my "delusions of grandeur" category.)
5. These tomatoes. (Spectacular.)

I just went to pick up peaches. But then I saw these tomatoes. (To die for.) I bought two boxes, just because they were so beautiful. There will be BLT's tonight, heavy on the T.