Last night there was lightening. And thunder. And candles, just in case. And romance, because there were candles.
And after...
there was lovely throaty whispering.
And a while after that, in the darkness I heard David sigh regretfully. "I don't think McCain's going to pick Romney."
I started giggling. Because it is just so David to mix love and politics.
He listed the reasons why not. I said those were all good reasons. He said he'd thought about it a lot.
Then he listed the reasons why McCain should. I said those were all good reasons too. He sighed.
And then he said, "Romney has a certain gravitas."
I said, "Did you just use the word 'gravitas'?"
He said he did. And then I kissed him hard (I really couldn't help myself) and there was more romance. Because it is so like me to mix love and vocabulary.
Look at these yummy pillow shams...I am delirious about them. Ticking and toile are my undoing.